
i'm brad garropy

lead frontend developer


growing content creator


side project connoisseur


open source maintainer


🐶 goodbye roman

February 20, 2024 in #lifedog


Moving React Forward Without Leaving the Industry Behind💿 remix anatomy💿 remix blog with vite💿 remix on viteGuidance Counselor 2.0 with Taylor DesseynThe Epic Web with Kent C. DoddsStarting a Company, Raising $1 Million, and Getting UsersWhy is working with data so hard?!Being Comfortable Not Knowing Everything as a DeveloperWater Cooler Talk, Q+A, and End of the Year StuffThe Fear of Moving ForwardUI Development in 2024🔎 vscode | regex find and replace📊 google analytics with next.js📷 DEVLOG | migrating from gatsby to next.js❄️ let it snow on your gatsby websiteⓂ️ framer motion | enter and exit animations🌐 webpack loaders | css📷 DEVLOG | twitch oauth mistake📷 DEVLOG | freestyle flashcards📷 DEVLOG | twitch live notification💻 static web server🔥 firestore delete document🔥 firestore create document🔥 firestore update document🔥 firestore read document🌐 webpack loaders | typescript🌐 webpack dev server and hot module reloading🌐 what is webpack🌐 webpack environment variables



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