⏰ my atypical day
Lately folks like Chris Coyier, Dan Mall, and Dave Rupert have been sharing what their typical day looks like. I figured I'd do the same, although this is not my typical day. With the pandemic and my torn achilles, things are a bit different for me. But here it is nonethless.
Wake up, brush my teeth, and wash my face.
Do my physical therapy exercises while my wife gets the kids up. These exercises include stretching my leg and ankle, and then working on weight bearing.
Do my best at wrangling the kids while my wife makes breakfast.
Breakfast with the family. Five eggs and a cup of coffee every day.
Post my daily goals on Twitter, then start work at Adobe. I have just enough time to clear my inbox, answer some Slack messages, and review the Jira board before morning standup. Then it's coding until lunch time.
Lunch with the family. Beef, rice, and some veggies every day. Lunch is more relaxed than breakfast because my wife and I meal prep, so it's just a matter of microwaving some tupperware.
Another session of physical therapy exercises, still focusing on stretching the leg and ankle, and then weight bearing.
Back to work. More coding, maybe a meeting but usually not.
Family time! We take the kids out in the yard to play when the weather is nice and try to tire them out. This is usually where I give my wife a break.
More physical therapy exercises, again with the focus on stretching and weight bearing.
Do my best at wrangling the kids while my wife makes dinner. The TV is usually on at this time, but their attention span is limited.
Dinner with the family. Chicken, rice, and some veggies every day.
Bath time, get the kids ready for bed.
Put down our son. Our daughter gets to stay up another hour and watch a movie or do whatever mommy and daddy are doing. I do one final session of physical therapy exercises, this time focusing on banded resistance movements for ankle strength.
Put down our daughter. Freedom! Usually I head back to the computer to work on side projects. This means coding, blogging, streaming, or recording. On nights where I just don't feel like being productive, I'll watch some tutorials or a TV show. On rare occasions I'll play a video game, lately it's been Tony Hawks' Pro Skater. At least once a week my wife and I eat a cheat meal and spend time together.
Lights out.
Usually I work out from 7:00PM
to 8:30PM
and then start the rest of my night, but the achilles injury is putting a damper on that. Once things get back to normal maybe I'll write a post called my typical day.
I'd like to see what a typical day looks like for James Quick and Brian Morrison.